the flu gave me a kick in the face on a saturday night with a steel-toe kodiak work boot.
Fevers are no fun.
Due to being sick I slept on my couch most of the day and watched ROCKY I, ROCKY II, ROCKY III, ROCKY IV but i missed Rocky V. This was my first time actually really following the story lines and I have to be honest... at the end of each movie I was cheering for Rocky!
It's cool to have my desk at worked covered with a few finished print projects... it's nice to see that things are coming along.
here's a illustration i did for jessica. I'm praying for her and her family right now.
by the way i saw this on sesame street this morning.
Ellie Lonardo brought me hemp milk all the way from Seattle. She's awesome... and Hemp Milk is delicious.
but it's about to be the weekend! I love the weekend!
I am going to make it a point to get some rest and get some cleaning done this weekend. I also have to do a lot of editing and freelance stuff to finish. I am feeling really drained right now in a lot of ways... I just wish I could turn my brain off for a little while.
I love that it's cold. I love my jacket and scarf. I am realizing that when things blow up in your face that sometimes there is beauty in that. Because it leaves you no where to run and you have to learn to face your fears... I am finding out that I am a lot stronger than I thought I was... I may be a wreck at times... but I keep going. Life's difficult problems can be tough to handle... but when it comes down to it life has been a series of problems from the time I was a kid... first it was learning to walk, talk, read and those problems always seem to lead to some sort of growth... and just like i was then I am still growing now but in different ways. I cannot be afraid to grow if I would have been afraid to grow and never learn to read I couldn't be writing this incredible insightful blog right now... I have to face things head on... and sometimes I cannot avoid what I can't control... but there are things that are under my control... I think running has caused me to see a lot of those things that I need to learn to have endurance for... just like when I run there are times when I feel like my brain is trying to tell me that I cannot go on any longer... but then I just keep going. it's all the same. I will find joy in the everyday.
Snails see the Benefits. The beauty if every inch.
It's ok to move slow sometimes in our fast paced society. I've taken myself off of social networks for a while. Call it an experiment call it stupidity. I call it freedom.